Off-The-Shoulder Maternity Dress (I’m wearing a Petite size 2 for reference, and I am 23 weeks pregnant; it comes in a non-petite version, too.) // Black Leather Sneakers // Backpack (sold out in silver- gold version here) // Heather Hawkins Customizable Script Necklace // Ferkos Fine Jewelry Diamond Solitaire Necklace // Vintage earrings
In honor of turning 32 this week, I’m sharing 32 things you might not know about me!
1. Pet peeves: Double-door refrigerators, slow drivers, electronics that don’t work, bad Wifi signals.
2. I own over 65 plus bottles of nail polish. That’s not including clear or base coats. I also love painting my own nails! Adam refers to the whole thing as “Aubrey’s Nail Salon.” Haha.
3. I used to manage and own a Shirley Temple fan page in middle school. If you searched “Shirley Temple”, it was the number two hit on Google.
4. Favorite designer: It depends on the collection, but generally speaking, it would be Christian Lacroix. He hasn’t produced a women’s line since 2008, but I will forever be obsessed with his eye for texture, silhouette, detail and color.
5. I met my husband on eHarmony.
6. I used to work for One Kings Lane in the LA office as a vintage buyer/category manager.
7. I have a life-long obsession with pom pom balls. I even had guests throw colorful pom pom balls at our wedding in place of rice and flowers!
8. Little joys: Baths, the smell of Fall, being invited over to someone’s house for dinner, watching home videos, Half Price Books, gas station snacks, Christmas music at the mall.
9. I love trends (and even made a career out of forecasting fashion trends), but as soon as something becomes trendy, I’ve been over it for at least a year at that point. It definitely makes shopping difficult.
10. I didn’t drink alcohol in college, and didn’t really take it up until after my daughter was born. Now, I really enjoy it- you might say I’m making up for lost time! Har har har- kidding.
11. I am the most social introvert you’ll ever meet. I can talk to anyone (about anything), and work a room (if I have to), but I hold my alone time very dearly. Like most introverts will tell you, I feel most energized by spending copious amounts of time by myself.
12. Favorite book: The Great Divorce, by C.S. Lewis. I keep 3-4 copies on hand in case I need to lend one out or give one away.
13. I still shop at American Eagles. Yes, it’s true. Some of my favorite jeans to date are from the good ol’ Eagle.
14. I didn’t like Mexican food until after got married.
15. I am deathly afraid of mosquitos (anyone remember my Insta Stories from a few weeks ago?). Something about how sneaky they are. I also can’t stand the way they look. One way to torture me would be to lock me in a room with at least 1 mosquito.
16. eBay is probably my favorite place to shop- it’s the thrill of the hunt and the bargain that I love about it! Almost like a virtual flea market (fact 16b: flea markets are my FAVE).
17. I don’t know how to put on makeup. Okay, I can do the basics, but that’s about it! After our baby boy is born, I’m going to make an effort to learn more about it- maybe watch some YouTube tutorials?
18. I wanted to be an archeologist up until 7th grade, when I discovered my love of fashion.
19. Favorite memory growing up: summers spent with my church youth group (from 6th to 12th grade). The friendships that came from there have been some of the most precious, and God really used that time to shape me and my faith.
20. I can’t stand flip flops and only own one pair (these). There are so many better options out there- slides, sandal, man-sandals (if you’re a dude)- I could go on!
21. If you are to find me alone, I’m probably singing, whistling or humming a song. My poor sister, who had to share a bathroom with me growing up, would always tell me to “stop singing, Aubrey!” 😉
22. Favorite annual trip: it would have to be either of my family trips to La Jolla, CA or to Santa Fe, NM. My family has been going to both almost every year since I was born. I’m in Santa Fe right now and have been looking forward to this trip all year- the mountains, the food, the art… it’s my happy place. I’m not sure we’ll make it to La Jolla this year because of my due date and NYFW (which, by the way, who’s going?!).
23. I really enjoy professional basketball. I’m actually watching a throwback game from 1998 between the Bulls and the Jazz as I write this post. One of the reasons I was excited about moving to Oklahoma City a few years ago was the opportunity to cheer for such a great basketball team… Go Thunder!
24. If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be Berlin, Germany.
25. College degree: Fashion Design with a minor in Art History. But don’t ask me to make you a dress because I’ve forgotten how to sew. #dontuseityouloseit
26. I’ve always been a girl’s girl. I don’t have hundreds of good friends, but a few handfuls of very close friends for whom I am so grateful. I wouldn’t trade those friendships for anything in this world!
27. I saved all of my money for a year in 5th grade and bought a metal detector from Sky Mall (yes, that magazine you find in the back of the seat on the airplane). I really thought it was a worthwhile investment in my future archeological career. During those annual family trips to La Jolla, I would take my metal detector with me to the beach and search for buried treasure. I legitimately thought I would find gold coins. Guys, I was a strange kid.
28. Some might call me a hoarder, but I like to argue that I have a talent for seeing value in pieces and that I chose to hang on to said pieces longer than most people. Yes, I have pairs of shoes that I bought when I was 15- and guess what? I still wear them! If anything, it goes to show how my taste hasn’t drastically changed over time.
29. I love history, especially anything related to WWII. Before I had Johanna, you could find me on a Saturday watching a good docu-series on the History channel. Some recent favorite WWII reads: Operation Solo by John Barron and The Candy Bombers by Andrei Cherny.
30. I cry after 1 out of every 3 haircuts (I’m talking haircuts that are more than just a trim). Let’s just say, I’m attached to my hair length.
31. IRL Anne Hathaway really really bugs me.
32. I collect gift wrap- paper, gift bags, toppers, crepe paper, tags, bows, ribbon; vintage and new, used and resused. I’m especially drawn to materials that are not intended to be used for gift wrap. When Adam and I were in Costa Rica on our honeymoon, we were exploring one of the tiny villages outside of San Jose. I somehow managed to find the most incredible selection of paper at this random drug store where I guarantee you a tourist had never stepped foot, and no joke, spent a good two hours picking out wrapping paper. It was then, I think, Adam realized what he had married into.

This might be one of my favorite posts ever! Loved getting to know more about you sweet girl. I didn’t drink in college either, I am a ton of fun now! Cheers to 32, babe!
Aaww I love painting my nails too!! I have a lot of nail polishes bottles !🙋🏻 And I am a ebay buyer for sure!🙋🏻🤣 ps:you look gorgeous!!! 🤰🏻
You know I love you! This was a great post, I’m so blessed to know you!
From one introvert to another i LOVEd this
Post. You haven’t changed a bit since grade school Aubrey ~ it’s been so fun following along on your career in fashion. I always knew you’d be a success!! 🙌🏻