Friends, I am changed and I will never be the same. After receiving my cancer diagnosis and having surgery, the past three months have been the most difficult and dark time of my life. I have never felt so broken and so hopeless; never have I endured such mental, emotional, and physical anguish.
But at the same time, I have also never felt so supported and so loved by so many. Most importantly, God has drawn me closer to Himself by bringing me to the end of myself. So while this chapter might be coming to a close, my story doesn’t end here. This is only the beginning. I look at this scar everyday in the mirror and it gives me HOPE of what is to come. 💥
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
Oh my word! I am so glad you got it removed, at least! I hope everything is up from here!!
xx Leah / http://www.eatpraywearlove.com
I cannot imagine Aubrey, the feelings that must have been with you through this journey, especially being a mom! I say this being a mom myself… On a more positive note, I’m glad you’re doing better! As cliché as it sounds ‘what doesn’t kill us, really does make us stronger’! Alright, I’ll stop at that haha and will say that this emerald green looks great on you! And the bow in your hair. ~Monika