As I sit down to write this, so many thoughts are swirling through my head. I’ve thought a lot about this blog, and what I want it to be in 2019.
One thing I’ve realized is that the Aubrey I was at the beginning of 2015 when I started this blog, isn’t the same Aubrey that I am in 2019. I’ve had two children, designed a beautiful home, changed jobs, experienced a cancer diagnosis and a recovery. I’ve travelled and I’ve learned to hold on to my friends and family tightly, my possessions and work less so. The Dandy Liar has largely remained the same for the past 4 years: I have always covered fashion and interiors, with a bit of travel and beauty on the side, even though I have continued to evolve as a person.
But now I’m giving myself the freedom to let my blog follow suit in change.
So what do I see for the future of my blog? Among many things, I’d like The Dandy Liar to be a place for encouragement, vision, inspiration and growth. A resource and a guide. And most of all, a community.
Many of you already know this from following me @thedandyliar and @thedandyliarhome on Instagram, but my Thyroid Cancer diagnosis last year has created in me a passion for non-toxic living. Now, nothing brings me more joy than to help others “clean up” the products in their home. So, you can expect to see clean beauty, haircare and skincare guides, product roundups, DIY’s, honest reviews, and more in the coming months!
Another thing that I can’t wait to integrate into my blog is that of my family and home life. I’ve heard from so many of you all on Instagram that you enjoy getting glimpses of everything from motherhood and my two kiddos, to daily activities and schedules, to my faith in Jesus, to what we eat daily basis. I’m excited to explore those topics and can’t wait to share more of my life with you all!
Lastly, as always, you can expect to see personal style posts, fashion trends, shopping guides, along with interior inspiration and room reveals! So, all the things you’ve come to know me for!
I’ll close with this: I could not do any of this without you all. Thank you for being my faithful readers and followers through both sameness and change. Truly, you all are why The Dandy Liar is what it is today.
SO much love,
P.S., If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my email list. This is where you will gain access to content that never hits the blog and is exclusive to my subscribers, in addition to receiving news, links to current posts, and fun announcements!

Green Plaid Dress // Bag (sold out) // Snakeskin Boots (similar)