Log Cabins, Ralph Lauren Red, and My 5th Grade Dream Room

When I was in 5th grade, my mom told me that it was time to redo my room and that I could pick out new bedding, wall colors, etc. Telling that to nine-year-old Aubrey was like letting me loose in a candy store with a credit card. The skies, the limits, I thought! So I started concepting my dream bedroom. 21 years later, I can remember it like it was just yesterday. This said bedroom would involve 5 things:

1) Ralph Lauren

Now when I say Ralph Lauren, picture this era of Ralph Lauren. Picture the 90’s.

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2) Log-cabin-like walls

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3) a red accent wall

I had no idea that painting one wall would one day be referred to as an “accent wall.” I just knew that I wanted one wall to be red, the rest to be made of logs.

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4) southwestern touches (think pinch pots, Kachina dolls, serape rugs, etc.)

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5) denim, plaid, and flannel

Roll all of these things together, and you get…

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Aubrey’s 5th grade dream room!
