& Other Stories Shirt Dress (non-maternity, but perfect for all three trimesters! It also comes in a floral print, black, and a white heart print) // & Other Stories Orange Shades (under $20) // Blue Leather Skagen Saddle Bag
+ Due Date :: November 25th, 2017 (Turkey baby)! I’m 22 weeks and 4 days today. 123 days to go. DAMN THAT SEEMS LONG.
+ Baby’s Gender :: Boy!
+ Cravings :: Cherry Twizzlers and Braeburn apples (isn’t it funny how our bodies are can be so specific during pregnancy?). Like, I didn’t want Gala, Golden Delicous, or Pink Lady apples. Juuust Braeburn. OH, and cheese.
+ Size of Baby :: A large mango, or 15 oz.
+ Total Weight Gain/Loss :: As of today, I’m up 16.5 lbs and I’m feeling it (or, my clothes are). I am officially out of most non-maternity bottoms, save a few pairs of jeans and 2 pairs of denim cut offs. You bet I’ll be wearing those until I can zip no longer! I’m working on a post for next week highlighting my favorite maternity staples from my last pregnancy (ie: jeans, leggings, shorts, and basic tops), so stay tuned for that!
+ Pregnancy “Thing” I Need To Work On :: Taking weekly bump pictures. And no, I don’t mean the outfit pictures I post here on the blog or on Instagram. I mean the wear-a-tight-black-shirt-in-front-of-my-mirror-in-profile pictures. I wasn’t great about that last time, either. (This was one of the tips given by the fellow blogger moms I polled in my 1o Things I Wish I Had Known When I Was Pregnant (The First Time Around) post).
+ Showing :: Yes. I took a few days off from going to the gym (like 4), and went I went in on Monday, the girl at the front desk commented how I literally had popped over night… uh, thanks? Haha, but she’s right. I had so much abdominal pain last week, most of which I attribute to some major stretching and growing (on the little guy’s part).
+ Symptoms :: Stretch marks. Yup. I never had them with Johanna, but I swear my stomach has grown at such a rapid rate this time around, I guess they were unavoidable. They’re pretty faint on the sides of my stomach (I know, TMI). I’m hoping they’ll fade with time? Either way, I’m going to continue applying this stretch mark cream every night.
+ Clothing :: Yeahhh… remember two weeks ago how I said that I have managed to get away with not wearing any maternity clothes? My how things can grow, er, I mean change, in two weeks. While yes it’s true, I am still wearing mostly non-maternity clothing, as I mentioned earlier, I am at the point where I’m unable to fit into the non-maternity staples (ie: jeans, cutoffs, workout tights and shorts, basic shirts, etc). I didn’t reach this point in my first pregnancy until around 28 weeks, but alas, I am much bigger (much sooner) this time around! Again, I promise I’m working on a post with my full list of maternity staples, but in the meantime, I’ve been living in these maternity leggings when it’s not too hot.
+ Sleep :: I have been sleeping well at night (I did during my last pregnancy), but when I wake up in the morning… I’m still exhausted. Adam and I take turns taking Johanna to daycare in the morning (which requires a 5:45 am wake time), and on those days when I take the morning shift… MAN I’M FLIPPING TIRED.
+ Baby’s Name :: I wish I could say we’ve made progress since my 20 week update on the name front, but alas… we haven’t. We’ve thrown a few names out there (all really classic ones)- namely (har har, pun intended) because I was watching a reality tv show, and there was a pregnant lady who had a pre-mature delivery (try 20 weeks pre-mature). I freaked out and frantically texted Adam some names I was liking… but, freakout aside, I realize that we still have some time to come up with a name. 😉 Any guesses as to some “classic” boy names we might be considering?! Hint: one of the names might be the first name of a very famous (and current) British prince.
+ Highlight From The Past Two Weeks :: Johanna took her first steps! Granted, there were three of them, total, and she hasn’t done it since. But man, it was great! We even managed to get it on video. Now that she’s in daycare, her desire to walk is strong. I know she wants to keep up with the other kids.
+ Baby #2 Purchases :: Other than the clothing mentioned last week, none so far. Two “big” purchases that I know will need to be made and are at the forefront of my mind: a stacked double stroller (not a side-by-side, unless it’s really compact), and a (better) baby monitor. Can all my mama readers out there offer any suggestions? I’m all ears! Reply at the bottom of this post with your favorites (or least-favorites) of each!
Check out my other bump update here (I’ve decided to do an every-other-week update, rather than weekly, since not much changes from week to week… yet, that is): 20 Weeks
We loved our city select double stroller. Lots of configurations! Love that shirt dress and those orange glasses!!