You guys have probably realized this by now, but I like pink. And I’ve decided that I need a pink bathroom. That’s probably not going to happen, since 3/3 bathrooms in our house are covered in a not-so-pink-friendly tuscan tile. Also, I have a husband.
So, to help curb my desire for a pink bathroom, let’s take a look at some:
This ones from Kohler. And it is pinkly perfect. I mean, perfectly pink.
This bathroom does a good job of illustrating how pink can be achieved in ways other than by painting a wall. Using pink tiles is a great way to sneak pink into your bathroom. See also, bath towels…
… or this pink Cole & Sons wallpaper.
I am convinced that if Barbie had a bathroom, this would be it.
Stella Tenant’s simple but chic pink bathroom.
So, have I convinced you to go paint your bathroom pink? Am I crazy for loving this? (answer: no)
Let me know your favorites in the comments!