Top (sold out- similar here) // Non-Maternity Skirt (red version here) // Gold “J” Necklace – Ferkos Fine Jewelry // Bag (Under $30- I wear it ALL the time, and it comes in camel!) // Rachel Zoe Earrings (on sale!) from Orchard Mile // Heels (old; similar here)
+ Due Date :: November 25th, 2017 (Turkey baby)! I’m 26 weeks and 5 days today.
+ Baby’s Gender :: Boy!
+ Cravings :: C.E.R.E.A.L. (No, that’s not an acronym- I’m just all about it right now). Special K, Nature’s Bounty, Cheerios… pretty much any cereal I can get my hands on! Oh, and to throw a curve ball at my breakfast-for-lunch-and-dinner game, Adam picked these up from Target, but I have shown amazing self-control and haven’t eaten one (yet). But that’s not saying much- they’ve only been in our cabinets for 2 days.
+ Size of Baby :: I just had my 25 week checkup last week, and baby boy weighs 1 lb and 11 oz!
+ Total Weight Gain/Loss :: As of today, I’m up 23 lbs.
+ Favorite Wardrobe Piece to Wear Right Now :: Fitted maternity skirts (just bought this and this one the other week, and they have been on repeat). Sounds so boring, but they literally go with everything! I can wear tees, sneakers, heels, blazers, and sweaters with them.
+ Thing I’m Struggling With :: Finding outfits for New York Fashion Week (it’s two weeks away) that fit, are actually cute, and make me feel like me. Let’s just say, I’ve ordered so many clothes, and have returned 90% of them because of fit issues.
+ Symptoms :: I’ve been having major pain in my sciatica these past few weeks (Not sure what I’m talking about? You can read more about it here– it’s a pretty common side effect of pregnancy). I don’t have it every day, but when I do, it sends me running!
+ On My Mind Currently :: How I’m going to lose the only bathtub in our house to two kids. I’m currently sharing a bathroom with Johanna. The tub is small, but I covet my bath time. The older (and less soundly) Jo Jo sleeps, the more difficult it is for me to bathe at night without waking her up. I think I’m going to have to forgo my baths (sooo sad).
+ Name :: And our son’s name will be… Patrick Hardin Ballard! Adam and I have never been one of those couples who already had names picked out for all of their children (although, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I had an on-going list in my phone that I’ve been adding names to over the past 7 years), so choosing a name for each child has been a process. Like most people, both of us associate certain names with people in our lives (I’m talking both good and bad associations). That, coupled with the fact that Adam favors classic, American-sounding names, while my taste errs on the “unique” (as he might put it) side, means that it often takes us months to settle on a name.
But, we both liked Patrick as a first name, and Adam wanted to pass on his middle name, Hardin, to our son (it’s been in his family for 3 generations thus far). So, Patrick Hardin Ballard it is! It goes nicely with Johanna, don’t you think?
Love the name Aubrey!! 💗💗 I too crave cereal ALL the time!! If we were to have a boy we were gonna name him Carden! (Close to Hardin 🙂 ) its my maiden name and I have always loved it!
So sweeet.. if ours is a boy we may be naming him Patrick also! That’s my husbands name.. but I kind of like the idea of picking a middle name he would go by. Julian has my husbands middle name, Guy. So love that you all are doing that as well. Love reading these updates. 😘😘😘